
Happy Lunar New Year! imToken is sending you well wishes with Kyber Network this festive season, Chinese New Year is indeed coming early!

Event Duration

2019.2.2 - 2019.2.3

Participation Rules

  • Download and update to imToken version 2.2.1 or above
  • Either click on [Find out more] or go to the [Browser] tab, click on the [Candy Bar] DApp and select the event to join.
  • If you are lucky, you will win a HongBao (red gift packet) packed with PT!

What is PT?

Promo Tokens (PT) are promotional tokens issued by KyberSwap, redeemable for $1 worth of KNC (or any other tokens) on KyberSwap!

How to swap PT into other tokens?

For the winners of HongBaos, using imToken 2.2.1, under the [Browser] tab, simply click on the [KyberSwap] DApp and you can swap your PT into KNC (1 PT = 1 US dollar)!