A token, supported by imToken, will be directly shown on the wallet page after it is received. If not, you can manually add it to the page. Currently, this feature is available for ETH wallets, EOS wallets, Layer 2 network wallets and wallets of EVM-compatible chains.


  • For now, TRX and zkSync wallets don’t support users to manually add a token.
  • Click here to check which tokens are supported by imToken.

How to Add a Token?

ETH/EOS Wallet

Here are two ways to add a token to an ETH/EOS wallet.

The First Method:

1. Open imToken and click the menu button at the top left corner to choose the wallet that the token has transferred into.

2. Click “+” on the wallet page and click “All My Assets”
Note: “+” will be marked with a red dot if the received tokens are not shown on the page.

3. Click “+” to the right of the token.


The Second Method:

1. Open imToken and click the menu button at the top left corner to choose the wallet that the token has transferred into.

2. Click “+” on the wallet page.

3. Type the token name/contract address in the search bar and add it to the wallet


Note: you may run into the following two scenarios when adding a token by searching its name.

  • Failing to find the token
    Solution: add the token by searching its contract address
  • Showing many tokens with the same name
    Solution: find the token according to its contract address

Layer 2 Network/EVM-Compatible Chain Wallet

If you want to add a token in wallets on Layer 2 networks including Arbitrum and Optimism or those on EVM-compatible chains such as BSC and Polygon, here are the steps:

1. Click “+” on the wallet page and click “Custom Token”

3. Enter the token contract address and click “Save” at the top right corner.
Note: Symbol and Decimal will be accessed automatically after you enter the token contract address.


How to Get the Contract Address of a Token?

If you don’t know the contract address of a token that you want to add, you can search it through a block explorer. Here is an example to search for a token contract address through Etherscan.

1. Open imToken and switch to the “Browser” page. Type “Etherscan” in the search bar and click the block explorer.
Note: you can enter the name of a network in the search bar to find its explorer. For example, you can find the Arbitrum explorer DApp by typing “Arbitrum” in the bar.


2. Click the search bar to enter the token name. For instance, you can enter “USDT” in the bar and click the token icon to enter the page showing its details. The token contract address is shown under “Contract” in the “Profile Summary” section.
